Thursday, February 3, 2011

GERMANY: Great-Grandmothers Desk

     Today I moved my great-grandmothers desk in front of the fireplace and worked all day on art lesson plans for the last few weeks of school. What a joy that was! Dreaming of what creative things my students will do in the coming weeks just got me excited to do more and more and more! But, let's back up to that fireplace! We have had the coldest weather I can remember having in the 25 years I've lived in Dallas. (The entire country is frozen and cold!) The temperature has been in the low teens and the wind chill below zero. That's pretty cold for Dallas! The chatter about a snow day began early Monday night as we all hunkered down for a storm moving in of thunder, lightening, and ice. What a strange combination! Ice fell during the night and sounded much like rocks hitting the roof of the house and we awoke to a layer of ice over just about everything and a bit of snow. So Tuesday was a "Snow Day" and I cleaned house all day long. Then, the temperatures didn't come up, the roads did not thaw, and Wednesday became another "Snow Day." And I cleaned the house even more.  Then, the temperatures didn't come up, the roads did not thaw, and Thursday became another "Snow Day." But....ahhhhhhh!!!! The Thursday "Snow Day" was my favorite because my house was clean and everything was picked up. So, I fixed myself a cup of coffee, looked longingly at the fireplace and how I would love to sit in front of it and work, and then, it's as if my great-grandmother herself called out to me. "I'll move the desk! That's what I'll do!" A small writing desk would be easy to move. And, so, move it I did! With a desk that is about 150 years old and a Mac that is only a couple of months old, I perched in a cozy fashion in front of the fire, sipped my coffee, and created and dreamed with words on the screen, about art! What a wonderful combination! It took me all day to write the Marc Chagall lesson plans for the next art history subject, but my, oh my, how the students are going to love dreaming on paper! And, while I worked, old friends and new called or texted me. My son, who is in graduate school at the University of Kansas, called and said he had just seen my Blog and thought it was cool. That made my day! He is a big picture thinker and I think he suspected there was much more than a Blog going on. And I confirmed to him that, as usual, Mom was building something. But what exactly am I building? Hmmmmm. I'm building character in my students. I'm building a well-functioning art room. I'm building creative students who think outside the box. I'm building students that think critically. I'm building students who know how to express glee and joy! I'm building a place where students, all students, can come and know they have something worthwhile to contribute. I'm building respect in my students, for each other, for themselves, for me, and for our world. But, somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm building more. I'm not exactly sure what it is going to look like when it is finished. I'll let you know when I figure it out. It has something to do with passing onto others what was given to me. I've had some pretty incredible teachers and mentors in  my life. So very many. People that took time, real time, quality time, to invest in me. And, that's what I'm looking forward to. Investing time in my students. And, investing time in art teachers around the world who are looking for the next inspiring moment in their art rooms.  Can't think of a better place to work on it either than right in front of this fireplace at my Great-Grandmother Heim's desk. And, we have our fourth "Snow Day" tomorrow so looks like I'll be spending a little more time at that desk. Come to think of it, I may just leave it there for a really long time because, you see, it IS important to find some quiet time, amidst the clang and whistles of our day, to sit and think, and reflect, and plan, and CREATE......whether you are a teacher who has 750 students come thru your room a week or someone working in another field.  That is something we should ALL do. Find some quiet time! I have a hunch my great-grandmother might have done just that very this desk! And as one of my little students would say, "Mrs. Peacock, That is ahhhhhhhhhsome!"