Friday, December 28, 2012

A GLOBAL YEAR: Art keeps me busy!

The last year and a half have proved to be very busy for this art teacher! I've been absorbed in my own position as an elementary art teacher in a busy school district AND attending graduate school obtaining my Masters in Art Education Degree. There hasn't been time to blink! But, there has been time to fill in the gaps with committee work and leading sessions and workshops at the Texas Art Education Association Conference and the National Art Education Convention, going to Cuba with the National Art Education Association, having my students win art contests-even international contests, and I even spent the summer in Italy in the Tuscany region for summer art studio painting outside in the Tuscan sun every day as part of Boston University's degree program I'm participating in. Aside from a couple Alleve every other day to take care of the arthritis and remind myself that my knee is not 86 years old, this 51 year old art teacher is beginning an adventure that will lead who knows where. A couple of years ago I taught school short team in Uganda and Ecuador and loved every single second of it. I'm passionate about glocalization. Yes, I spelled that right. I'm passionate about teaching my art students to learn and exist in their own culture while at the same time realizing there is a huge world out there that is getting smaller each and every day. There are a lot of "things" in the works. One of which is this Blog. Peacocks and Rainbows is getting ready to fan out and many surprises are in store. But first, I have got to finish my thesis which I'll be doing this spring, but one thing is for sure. This Blog is stepping up a notch and will become a watershed, or should I say a water tray, of information for art teachers and art enthusiasts. There is a lot of energy left in this ole' gal and a lot of painting and creating left to do. My first priority will continue to be my students and teaching art which I am passionate about and being as involved in possible in the fine arts in my school district. However, be watching this Blog because it is about to be packed full of great tips, tools, news, and information about everything ART!

"An artist is not paid for his labor, but for his vision." -James Whistler