Friday, February 1, 2013

GLOBAL: Friday Flower Pots!

Fridays in my art room are over the top creative and colorful! Last Friday my students made these collabortive flower pots. They are modeled after Van Gogh's famous sunflower painting, but my students added their own personality to the flowers! I took the snowmen down (thank goodness) and put up the bright, cheery flower pots! They are making our hallway at school smile. It's a simple project and one we were able to do during a quick 30 minute art class. Student use oil pastels to color their own flower. I made the pots. Then, they are assembled on the bulletin board as one complete pot of flowers. My older students drew and cut out their own flowers. I drew and cut out the flowers for Kinder and my first graders cut out the flowers that I had drawn. This allowed us to complete the project in 30 minutes. I keep a box of hand wipes by the door and every student got a hand wipe to clean up their hands while lining up. 30 minute masterpiece!