Friday, February 1, 2013

MY SCHOOL: My fashion designer friend!

Every morning I stand outside, rain...sleet....shine....freezing temperatures....., and do 30 minutes of car line.  Every morning my little 2nd grade friend walks across the street from her home looking like a fashion model. She wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up and I tell her stories of when I was a fashion designer.  She brought me this with a big smile right after the Christmas break! It's six pages, stapled together into a card, but these are the two most special pages...aside, of course, from the wonderful peacock she drew on the centerfold. But anyway....I have a treasure box full of these precious notes. I save them all. I now have three huge tubs of notes and artwork students have made for me. I make a point to bend down, eye to eye, and hug them and tell them how much I love it. And, I tell them that someday when I'm an old lady I'm going to get each one out and look at them because they are priceless treasures!