Tuesday, June 11, 2013

ECUADOR: A fun visit from my "daughter" from Ecuador!

     Each December we are fortunate enough to have a visit from Katty Aguirre, my "adopted daughter" from Quito, Ecuador. She is a very special young woman with an amazing and harrowing story. She dedicates her life to helping those less fortunate in Ecuador.  While she lost her own mamma when she was very young, she now has several mammas all over the United States. I've enjoyed going to Ecuador on two mission trips and spending time with her and the Quechua Indians up high in the Andes Mountains. Really high! I also enjoyed teaching school short term at an orphanage in Quito. Katty is a real inspiration to me and so many! Can't wait to see her again. A Fine Arts Camp is in the work for my spring break next year in Ecuador.  I'm trying to plan a camp, take a few art teachers with me, stay with her in the house I was able to help her move into a couple of years ago, and share art, music, and drama with the children in the area she works in. The love and acceptance that so freely flows from the children you work with, whether here in the U.S., or in other countries is so motivating to an art teacher!