Thursday, June 13, 2013

GLOBAL: Santa Fe International Folk Art Market

     There is some kind of magic that happens when art teachers travel together. You could write a book on the interpersonal relationships that develop...or you could just sum it up by saying that art teachers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet! They are creative and caring people! Two summers ago I went on School Arts Magazine and Crizmac's Folk Art Extravaganza Trip to Santa Fe (One of my favorite places on the planet earth and I go there quite often!) and spent a week immersed in ART, ARTISANRY, HANDICRAFTS, and meeting friends from literally all over the world . . . from Afghanistan to China to Pakistan to Kenya to Nepal to Oman! I met some wonderful people, some of whom I still stay in touch with.The conference was led by Nancy Walkup of School Arts Magazine and Stevie Mack of Crizmac.  Both are gifted teachers and both have won numerous teacher of the year awards.  They are so personable and really pour their knowledge into attendees, but you feel like you have known them your whole life. I truly believe that if art teachers were given the opportunity, they could change the world for the BETTER! I think one of the things I like the BEST about traveling with art teachers is that we are all from the same school profession and there is such an incredible respect that is evident for each other. Sometimes on the school campus fine arts classes can find themselves at the "bottom of the food chain," as I like to say, but we all know that the fine arts courses (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) so greatly enhance the school and local community! And when art teachers from all over the world gather for a week in Santa Fe and immerse themselves in the artisanry and handicrafts of some of the world's most talented crafters, there is an art explosion that happens and camaraderie is taken back to every corner of the earth! It's amazing!  I'm looking forward to going again this year!  (I'm just a little bit to the left of the green sign in the above photo.)

Here's a link to join the group! I think there are still spaces for this year!