Wednesday, February 9, 2011

JUST FOR FUN: Art in the Kitchen

  Well, we are having ANOTHER snow day and once again I find myself off from school. Last week we were off for four days from school due to ice, snow, and freezing temperatures. Who would have thought we'd have another day off this week? I enjoyed telling my art students on Monday and Tuesday to let me put this in "perspective" for them. First, I had to explain what the word perspective meant. Then, I told them that I am 49 years old and NEVER in my entire lifetime have I missed four days of school because of the weather. Sure, for holidays and summer break, but NEVER for snow and ice. It is quite unusual and, I must confess, the kid in me LOVES it! I'm not too old to ride a lake inner tube down a hill. LOVE IT! I might have a little more trouble walking the next day than I used to, but I still love playing in the snow!
     Playing in the kitchen is something I love too! And, the art teacher in me just couldn't resist the opportunity to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary. Last week we made snow ice cream and really enjoyed eating it! So refreshing! But for the last few days I've been thinking to myself.....if it snows again.....I'm going to make some snow ice cream that is fun and different. And, so, this morning I went out in the snow, scooped up some fresh flakes (maybe a piece of grass or two), and came in the kitchen and began creating a masterpiece. A little vanilla, a little milk (yes, you can use condensed milk if you have some), some red food coloring, a dash of peppermint flavoring (I LOVE PEPPERMINT ICE CREAM!), some red food glitter, spinkles, and pink sugar crystals......and, well, kitchen art that tasted delicious! Might even pass for homemade Valentine snow ice cream!
     Have fun with your kids! Look for new and different ways to do things. Ask them questions! Ask them, "What could we do to this snow ice cream to make it different?" See what they say! You might be surprised at the energy and ideas that come out of your little ones! I'm pretty sure my next bowl of snow ice cream will have some chocolate in it. And probably some Nutella! From my perspective, that's a pretty good idea too!