Sunday, February 20, 2011

UGANDA (AFRICA): Bagala Beads

This past summer I went to Uganda on a mission trip! The colors of Africa are still with me every day. I crossed paths with a wonderful woman named Irene who makes beautiful jewelry and purchased as much as I could squeeze into my suitcase to bring home to my family and friends. I had crossed paths with this jewelry before, however, in all places but Dallas....where I'm from.

Bagala means "love." And, there is a company in the Dallas area called Bagala Beads & Baskets that was founded to help Ugandan mothers provide a better life for their families. Brett and Shauna Fuller, the founders, sponsored children in Uganda for three years before actually traveling to Africa to meet the people and visit school children. Their experience there is what prompted them to found this company. Uganda is full of wonderful people who are working hard to rise above the incredible hardships caused by a terrible dictator, war, and the tragedy of AIDS. The women who make these beads are able to provide a meager lifestyle for themselves and/or their family. The beads are made from recycled magazines, posters, paper or all kinds! And, they are COLORFUL and BEAUTIFUL!

Read more about them at: