Thursday, February 3, 2011

INDIA: Paint Strip Peacocks

My 1st graders enjoyed making these Paint Strip Peacocks! It's a quick an easy art project. Start collecting paint strips from building supply stores and businesses that sell paint well in advance of the day you will need them.  This project would work well for students in 1st grade and above. Some aspects of it would be too difficult for kindergarteners.

Materials Needed:
7 paint strips per student, in bright colors
body shape, in blue or purple construction paper
2 feet, in yellow or gold construction paper
2 eyes and 1 beak, punched with hole puncher from yellow or gold construction paper
1 crown, in white construction paper
fine point black marker
masking tape
stapler and staples

1.  Have students fan out paint strips as if holding a deck of cards. Staple at bottom.  Turn over to back side and use several pieces of masking tape to reinforce.
2.  Glue body to front of paint strips. Glue on eyes, beak, and crown.
3.  Use white glue to make designs. Sprinkle glue with glitter. Shake glitter off.
4.  Let dry.
3. Using a black marker, put a dot in the center of each yellow eye.